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ChatGPT Integrated w/Robots to Run Missions and Answer Past/Present Questions About Those Missions.



Engineers have integrated the ChatGPT chatbot developed by OpenAI into robot dogs used for visual inspections.
A video shared by Santiago Valdarrama shows Spot, a robot dog equipped with a text-to-voice module, answering questions from engineers at Levatas, a firm that “develops machine learning models, robotic integrations, and human-in-the-loop systems.”
Spot, using ChatGPT, answers questions about its last inspection mission, and its next planned mission. It also follows directional instructions when a human asks it to move.
“These robots run automated missions every day. Each mission uses miles-long, hard-to-understand configuration files. Only technical people can handle them. At the end of each mission, the robots capture a ton of data. There’s no simple way to query all of it on demand,” Valdarrama tweeted alongside the video.
“That’s where ChatGPT comes in. We show it the configuration files and the mission results. We then ask questions using that context. Put that together with a voice-enabled interface, and we have an awesome way to query our data,” Valdarrama said.
“We can now ask the robots about past and future missions and get an answer in real-time. ChatGPT interprets the question, parses the files, and formulates the answer,” Valdarrama said. “Massive upgrade!”